Parents Survey
Thank you to everybody that responded to our survey – we had over 80 responses!
The questions we asked are those set by OFSTED and they gave us some very useful feedback.
Q1 My child is happy at this school
100% of parents who responded to the survey either agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. No parent disagreed.
Q2 My child feels safe at this school
100% of parents who responded to the survey either agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. No parent disagreed.
Q9 My child does well at this school
95% of parents who responded to the survey either agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. No parent disagreed and 2 did not know.
Here are some of the comments parents made about school:
“…is a fantastic teacher who lets me know how my son is doing and always answers any questions I ask. My son loves school and is doing very well, I am very proud of the progress my son has made thanks to the excellent teaching throughout his time at the school”
“(We) think this school is Top Notch as both …. and ….. are doing so well and making us so proud. Thanks for all to all “
“Great job all the staff at William Booth you’re doing a great job”
You Said, We Did
You’d like to be regularly informed about the curriculum > regular curriculum specific newsletters as well as information being shared on the website and Twitter.
The Head is also sending out half termly newsletters with information about school to keep you all up-to-date.