Theme Planning
Our curriculum has been developed around three key themes; each term the whole school focuses on one theme with a particular curriculum driver. For each theme, children revisit and build upon prior knowledge, are explicitly taught new, key knowledge and through carefully designed thematic working, develop connections and coherence between subjects in order for them to answer an ambitious enquiry question by the end.
Here are the planning overviews for each year group.
Autumn Term:
This is our ‘Discover’ theme, using History as a curriculum driver. Throughout this term, the children develop as Historians and apply their knowledge and understanding of the past to think critically about the present. These strong foundations progress from EYFS, where the children learn about the concepts of change, the past and their locality up to Year 6, where the children are exploring changes throughout History through the lens of ‘Crime and Punishment.’
Environment and Sustainability
Spring term
This is our ‘Explore’ theme, which uses Geography as a curriculum driver. Throughout this term, the children develop as Geographers; identifying key geographical features, using maps and other resources and applying their knowledge and skills to make decisions about how to look after the world, both locally and globally. They explore the impact of humans on the planet, use fieldwork skills and critical thinking and find out about natural disasters. This theme enables the development of thematic working with Science and Citizenship Education
Community and Diversity
Summer term
This is our ‘Belong’ theme, which allows the children to build upon the knowledge and understanding that they have developed throughout the year, and explore key enquiry questions, which encourage them to think hard about their own and other’s identities, celebrate similarities and differences and think critically about some of the issues facing humanity today. The driver for this theme is Citizenship, although the children continue to revisit concepts from across the curriculum, including History, Geography, RSHE and Science.